Consumption and Products

Consumption and Products

Economy and Environment are two sides of the same coin. Economy and ecology have been unjustly conceived as opposing elements for too long. On the contrary, ecology and economy belong together. A healthy environment and a sparing and careful use of natural resources are prerequisites for a stable economic and social development in the long term. 
Ein bewegtes Bild auf einer EinkaufsstraĂźe.

Latest on Consumption and Products

Press Circular Economy | 20.04.23

Circular economy must become a driver for environmental protection

In line with the EU's plans, the German government is striving for the transformation to a circular economy that uses resources sparingly. The National Circular Economy Strategy is intended to bundle the goals necessary for this.

Luftaufnahme einer BergstraĂźe, die durch eine Waldlandschaft fĂĽhrt.
Press Circular Economy | 19.01.23

Standardization Roadmap Circular Economy

The Roadmap describes the circular economy challenges that businesses face and presents the standards and specifications needed to address them.

Press Verbraucherschutz | 17.12.22

Repairability clearly visible on new EU energy label

The European Commission, in cooperation with the EU member states, has decided to introduce an EU energy label for smartphones and tablets. For the first time, the label will also feature a repairability index.

Press Consumption and Products | 18.11.22

Smartphones and tablets will be easier to repair in future

With New Ecodesign requirements, manufacturers of certain product groups must now provide spare parts and repair information and ensure software updates.

Regenwald wird abgeholzt
Press Nature and Biological Diversity | 28.06.22

EU Environment Council votes for deforestation-free supply chains

New rules are intended to prevent timber, coffee, cocoa, palm oil, beef, soy and derivative products from entering the EU internal market in future if their production has caused deforestation.

Press EU Council Presidency | 17.12.20

EU Environment Council favours right to repair and product durability

In a meeting chaired by German Environment Minister Svenja Schulze, the European Environment Council adopted its position on the European Commission’s Circular Economy Action Plan

Nahaufnahme eines Mikroskops
Press Chemical Safety | 11.09.19

Cooperation between BMU and VCI extended

The Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) and the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI) have been working on the further development of human biomonitoring since 2010. The cooperation has now been extended until 2025.

Press Chemical Safety | 14.03.19

UNEA 4 discusses future of global chemicals management

UNEA 4 is to send an important signal for an improved, environmentally sound chemicals management worldwide. The BMU invited political decision-makers and experts from around the globe to discuss this topic.

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