Netiquette for dialogue

We are looking forward to an open dialogue with you. However, we kindly ask you to observe the following rules. If these rules are not observed, we reserve the right to delete content if necessary.

  • A good dialogue is based on mutual respect. Please treat other users as you would like to be treated yourself. Insults, slander and defamation are highly inappropriate. We reserve the right to delete corresponding contributions.
  • Contributions that contain racist, violent, sexist or unconstitutional content are most uncalled for. We reserve the right to delete corresponding contributions.
  • Content that violates personal rights, the rights of third parties or copyrights, as well as contributions that are classified as advertising or spam will be removed. We assume no responsibility for contributions of users. All users always bear this responsibility themselves.
  • Please take care of your privacy and do not publish any personal data. Please refrain from posting contact addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, private details or any other data that could allow an inference to your person.

The public relations team of BMU reserves the right to delete statements and contributions that violate the rules and generally applicable law, even without giving reasons. Users who repeatedly violate these conditions will be excluded from further use of the site.

Thank you for your understanding! We look forward to an open discussion and a constructive exchange with you.

Your public relations team of BMU

Policy-making in dialogue

Good environmental and consumer protection policies are achieved when they are a joint endeavour. Get in touch with us, or get involved through one of our options for dialogue.