Residential wood heating

Wood heating not only provides for comfortable temperatures at home but also generates emissions like particulate matter. With the ambitious legal stipulations of the Ordinance on Small and Medium-Sized Firing Installations (1st BImSchV), the Federal Environment Ministry aims to reduce air pollution loads detrimental to human health while at the same time allowing for a more environmentally friendly use of wood as a fuel. Everyone can help by taking into account some tips that are easy to implement when heating with wood. 

Further information

Schornsteinfeger auf dem Dach
1st BImSchV

Ordinance on Small and Medium-Sized Firing Installations about

The 1st BImSchV stipulates the construction and operation of small and medium-sized firing installations with the aim of reducing the generation of air pollutants.

Verschneite Dächer in Nürnberg im Winter

Eco-friendliness about

Wood heating generates emissions, for example particulate matter. Therefore, everyone can help protect our environment and our health when heating with wood.

Rauchender Schornstein auf dem Dach

1. BImSchV vs. ecodesign (solid fuel boiler) about

The German particulate matter limit value for solid fuel boilers continues to apply