The German Government's National Action Plan for the Phase-down of Dental Amalgam

| Minutes and reports | Chemical Safety

Pursuant to Article 10 paragraph 3 of the EU Mercury Regulation 2017/852, the Federal Government is required by 1 July 2019 to set out in a National Action Plan which measures it intends to take to gradually reduce dental amalgam. The National Action Plan must be made publicly available on the Internet and must be submitted to the EU Commission within one month of its adoption. The NAP is not a separate legislative act, but is the implementation of an obligation of the Federal Government of the above-mentioned EU Regulation. It is drawn up for the first time this year and will be periodically updated in subsequent years. Essential contents of the National Action Plan concern the status of the use of dental amalgam and measures for its gradual reduction through improved caries prevention, mercury-free filling materials and information tools to implement these alternatives in practice. The progress of the measures will be monitored periodically in the future.

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